

Friday, June 15, 2018

There Is Only One Solution – Socialism!

Is the socialist society a Utopian dream? The Socialist Party completely rejects this. We believe that people can and do draw conclusions which are fundamentally socialist in content. There can be no real future for humanity in an exploiting society. The path to freedom lies through the socialist revolution. The resentment of people today against the stifling and degrading relations imposed upon them by class society provides a strong driving force towards the socialist future.  The methods of struggle decided by the working class will to a large extent mould the workers' movement - providing the organisation sees itself as the instrument of these struggles and not as some sort of self-appointed "leadership". Future events may show us the need to modify or even radically alter many of our present conceptions. This does not worry us in the least. Capitalism seeks to coerce people into obeying its will. It denies them the right to manage their own lives, to decide their own destinies. The real challenge of socialism is that it will give men and women the ability to master their fates.

It seems quite obvious to us that the socialist party must be run by its members, in a spirit of free association. Without democracy the revolutionary organization will be unable to develop the required originality of thought and the vitality, the initiative and determination to challenge capitalism. Self-appointed and self-perpetuating leaders, selected because of their ability to "interpret" Marx's writings and relate them to today's events becomes superfluous. All our fellow-workers need is a good memory,  a knowledge of history and well-stocked library to bring an understanding of today's reality. The Socialist Party rejects the idea that matters of great importance to our class requires tactical decisions by a central committee meeting in a secret conclave. We consider it important to bring to workers information and reports of the struggles of other workers - both past and present - reports which emphasize the fact that workers are capable of struggling collectively and of rising to the greatest heights of revolutionary consciousness. The revolutionary press must help break down the conspiracy of silence about such struggles. It must bring to the working class the story of its own past and the details of its present struggles. But it must disseminate information.  We do not bow to spontaneity. We argue for their own ideas and try to convince people of the wider implications of their struggles. Socialist Party  members actively participate in many movements, but with ambitions of gaining control.  We are dependent on workers agreeing with us. The immediate struggle of the Socialist Party is to establish socialism. he vast creative potential of the millions of working people will be unleashed with their direct participation in organising and operating socialism. Our aim is to replace the world capitalist system with world socialism. Exploitation, oppression, and degradation will not exist in socialism. Commodity production, that is, production for sale or exchange on the market, will not exist. The system of wage-slavery will be abolished and the guiding principle will be “from each according to ability, to each according to need.” The means of production will be held communally and private property will be eliminated. With the abolition of classes and class distinctions, all social and political inequality arising from them will disappear. The conflicts of interest between workers and farmers, town and country, manual and intellectual workers will disappear. As classes will not exist, the state will not be necessary as an instrument of class rule and will wither away. There will no longer be the struggle between opposing classes and socialism will propel the development of human society forward. 

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