

Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Building the Future

The unity of humanity has been an age-old dream. Is this goal an illusion? No, answers the socialist, it can be won. Modern technology makes possible the overcoming of the divisions and conflicts among peoples in this world.  Peace and fraternity cannot become real and secure until there are no rich and no poor within any country and no rich drain the lifeblood from the poor. Socialism alone can create for the first time the material and cultural prerequisites for realising the brotherhood of man and the happiness of the whole human family on earth as preached by religion.

Socialism has been defined and interpreted in lots of different ways but we are one of the few currents who emphatically maintain that socialism should be identified with the abolition of wage-labour. This clearly distinguishes us from all those who identify socialism with a state-planned economy or with redistribution of wealth via tax reforms. We maintain that socialism requires the abolition of wages and the transformation means of production, into the common property of society.

We are ruled by a tyranny of industrial and financial barons who govern by the rule of profits. The quality of life for most people is going from bad to worse. And the present system offers no hope for the better. There is no end to wars. Pollution is destroying our environment—from the water we drink to the air we breathe. The economic crisis is worsening and each week is harder to get by. 

 Worker is pitted against worker in a struggle for jobs, housing, and education. The capitalist media blame working people, claiming that we eat too much and live too well. They blame people in other countries and point to a “population explosion” in poor countries as a burden on the planet, while the corporations plunder the resources of these same countries. The majority can win their democratic and social rights only by its own action. Working people cannot rely on the Labour party, which defend the profits of big business. Capitalist society is based on the exploitation of the working class by the capitalist class and that all the evils of this society arise from that. The working class faces the situation where the capitalist rulers of this country, whose system is once again sinking into deep crisis, are stepping up their drive to wring even more profit from the workers. Throughout society the capitalists are mounting their attacks, cutting back on funds for education, health, housing and other vital needs of the people, which are sacrificed more and more for the capitalists’ need for profit. And along with all this, they practice and promote discrimination against minorities and foreigners to divert the anger of the people against each other–and away from the capitalists themselves.

This is a crucial time for the working-class. The working people are not content to remain wage slaves of the capitalists and refuse to accept the burden of the economic crisis created by the capitalists themselves. Our fighting spirit cannot be suppressed by any amount of anti-trade union legislation. The history of the working class in England, Scotland and Wales have been a history of unremitting struggle against exploitation and oppression by the capitalist class. The capitalist system can only end by the overthrow of the parasitic ruling class by the working class, the creators of all wealth in society. Under capitalism, there can be no freedom for the workers – only freedom to be exploited as wage slaves. The British ruling class has revealed its true features time and time again, driving of the peasants from the land under the threat of branding and flogging, using lies and deception to exploit and oppress.  In the face of growing hardships and mounting attacks on workers in every sphere of society, it is now time for workers to take matters into their own hands and fight back against the owning class of capitalists that rules this country. Only by the overthrow and elimination of capitalism can society move forward. The working class in abolishing capitalism will put an end to the division of society into classes and bring about a completely new era in human history where mankind as a whole, through its cooperative efforts advance to heights undreamed of in the past. The aim of the working class must not only be to win whatever concessions can be wrung from the employing class today but to build the strength and unity of the working class when it will be able to overthrow the capitalists altogether.

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