

Monday, July 23, 2018

Defeat the Masters

Whenever Leftist literature mention “socialism” it always hastens to say “of course we realise the people are not ready yet for socialism” giving the impression that they are very glad the people are not yet convinced of socialism.
...yet while the people In the U.S.A. are less socialistic minded than European workers, the Party has underestimated the amount of socialist sentiment among the workers and farmers, unclear though these ideas are. Nevertheless, there is a portion of the working people who realise that there is something wrong with the chaotic and rotten capitalist system and think that there could be a system whereby plenty would be produced and distributed for everyone. The Socialist Party, by raising the question and explaining socialism in connection with every injustice and oppression of capitalism could find many a recruit from among these people. The Left say we are calling for immediate socialism and yes are for the building of socialism just as soon as the workers wish it. The kind of economy we envisage would, for the first time, make possible an end to wars. The aim of the working class would be to end capitalism and all forms of exploitation everywhere, and everywhere introduce a socialist world. The working people themselves should own and operate the industries cooperatively. This would end production for profit and the waste of competing corporations. We propose that all resources, all land and buildings, all manufacturing establishments, mines, all the means of transportation and communication, should be, not private property, but the common property of all, without any class division. We propose that production be made to serve the needs of those who work, rather than to serve the needs of a few parasites.  When the Socialist Party speak of a society organised on the basis of planned production and distribution we mean something we have in mind to do away with production for profit. Production for profit must be supplanted by production determined by the needs of the entire people and directed by the associated producers themselves. This is the socialist remedy for capitalist anarchy, insecurity, and misery. Capitalism is not simply an exploitative system, but an essentially unstable one.

Socialism, as conceived by Marx and Engels, would be a social order based on the collective ownership and democratic control of the means of production and distribution. Social production in such a society would be for use as against production for profit. Its objective would be the abolition of all classes, all class divisions, class privilege, class rule, arising from the production of such abundance that the struggle for material needs would be completely eliminated. The productive capacity of a socialist society would at last free humanity from economic exploitation, from oppression, and from any form of coercion by a state machine. It would enable people to devote themselves to their fullest intellectual and cultural development. We have to develop class solidarity. There are only two roads for the working class—the capitalist road, which, in the conditions of our time, can lead only to starvation, poverty, and war; and the road of the socialist revolution, which points the way to plenty, prosperity and lasting peace.

The working class is the only class with the capacity to end the insanity of capitalist rule. The fundamental task of the Socialist Party is to instil in the class the consciousness of its historic role. For a socialist world, we summon our fellow-workers. A socialist world can give us peace and plenty. Look now how the capitalism totters on the brink of destruction. Climate change is no longer a fear but a grim reality. The capitalist parties are as rotten and bankrupt as the system they uphold. They can maintain themselves and the capitalist system today only by piling additional burdens upon the people. For the future, they offer only more conflict, continued insecurity, and increasing austerity. The evils of capitalism will disappear only with the destruction of capitalism and the building of socialism. A socialist society will do away with the anarchy of capitalism. Democratically-elected councils in every industry and district will manage the factories and community services. Forward to the new world that awaits us. Vote, for socialism.” Vote for the Socialist Party, the only party that keeps the revolutionary banner unfurled. We must win the support of every man and woman who desires to see the end of anxieties, frustrations, and fears caused by capitalism. The capitalist class is developing a ruthless attack on working people. We stand at the threshold of great class battles. If we are bold and clear-sighted, workers can repel this attack, and in their turn to launch a smashing offensive against capitalism. From the great mass struggles for living standards will develop a movement steeled in the struggle that can defeat and overthrow the capitalist class and establish a socialist world.

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