

Saturday, July 07, 2018

Not Our Idea Of Equal Social Access

In its edition of June 14, the Canadian Jewish News ran an article about a company run by its workers. The California-based Morning Star Company, the world's largest tomato processor has no managers but has shown a rapid increase in profits. 

Decisions are made collectively by the biologists, farmhands, factory workers and accountants who work there. This doesn't mean they are all paid equally, in fact, ''The highest paid employee receives only six times more than the lowest''. 

Some folks on the left would say its an example of socialism at the point of production, but its no such thing. The workers still work for wages and the company still have to realize a profit in the market. That they are not exploited by a capitalist as such means nothing because they are exploiting themselves.

 Although workers at this operation may experience less of the crasser edges of capitalism's worst behaviour towards workers, the whip of necessity in a for-profit society requiring the cash nexus to live is not our idea of equal social access to the means of life. 

We, of the SPC, want to do away with all forms of exploitation.

For socialism, 

Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

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