

Friday, July 20, 2018

Understanding The Socialist Party

 Understanding the nature of capitalism helps us in imagining the fundamental change needed to end unrepentant capitalism and its global expansion. The Socialist Party does it best to provide some historical background and context to make people remember their roots and to get them angry against the system. Our task is to promote a consciousness that equips working people with the knowledge to take control of their lives and change it for the better. Today’s so-called critics of the capitalist order seem very tame by comparison. Be men and women in the full sense of the word, self-reliant and confident, Come, take your heritage, for you have nothing to lose but your chains. You have a world to win. The land is a gift of nature to all men and women, technology and all the means of production have been brought into existence by the energy and industry of the workers. We, therefore, propose taking over the land and the means of production and working them in the interest of all. If this were done, with our increased knowledge of organised production and distribution, the present industrial hell would be converted into a heaven of delight, where peace and plenty would bring joy and happiness to one and all.

Under the wages system you and your children, and your children’s children, if capitalism should prevail until they are born, are condemned to slavery and there is no possible hope unless by throwing over the capitalist and voting for socialism. Declare war, not on the individual capitalist, but on the capitalist system. The Socialist Party is for the freedom of the working class. We appeal to our fellow members of the working class to come together in one class-conscious solidarity. We are asking them to open their eyes and see a new dawn approaching. We declare then, that the time has come when working men and women should open their eyes to the class struggle when they should have an intelligent understanding of socialism and pave the way for its triumph and the abolition of capitalism. It is socialism or capitalism. The working class must be aroused. They must be made to hear the trumpet call of solidarity. Economic solidarity and political solidarity!

The Socialist Party knows its mission is so to organise the mechanism of production that wealth can be so abundantly produced as to free mankind from want and the fear of want, from the brute’s necessity of a life of arduous toil in the production of the brute’s mere necessaries of life. Only the working people themselves can improve their miserable conditions. We demand human dignity and justice and to achieve this goal, we strive by all peaceful means through our representatives to influence our society. The socialist movement is as wide as the world, and its mission is to win the world — the whole world — and dedicate it to humanity. The mission of the Socialist Party is the creation of the cooperative commonwealth. The world the Socialist movement is to win from capitalism will be filled with wealth for all to have and to enjoy in its abundance. And why not? Nothing is so easily produced as wealth. The planet is one vast mass of raw materials. In every passing breeze, in every wave, in every river and ray of the sun are the magic forces to transmute into energy sources.

Socialists may disagree. We may be divided. It is possible that we shall quarrel and yet still be perfectly sincere. However, we are all subscribers to the same fundamental socialist principles. We all stand upon the same uncompromising platform. We are all battling for the triumph of the producers of the world. We are educating, we are agitating, we are organising. It is only a question of time when socialists will be in the majority. We will succeed on a platform declaring for the common ownership of the means of production and distribution. Then the factory will no longer be a dismal prison thronged with industrial convicts. Then for a’ that and a’ that, man to man the world o’er, shall brothers be for a’ that. The worst in socialism will be better than the best in capitalism. We can only hope for and work for the best.

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