

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Cost Effective - For Capitalists - But Not For Workers.

 In his first day as Ontario's Premiere Doug Ford decreed that people under 24 would not get free prescription medications on OHIP. Now don't get the wrong idea folks the guy does have a heart. They can claim on their parents work plans if their parents are working and have a plan. If not, all is not yet lost. The out of pocket youngsters can apply for reimbursement from his government, but may not get it, may not get all of it and will have to wait a few months for what they do get. Fords explanation was we have to make OHIP ''cost effective'', which is the political chat for making a profit – profits squeezed further up by his government's canceling $100 million school repair fund first days of power. 

That guy's a dream – for capitalists – but no, not for the worker.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC

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