

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Politics is a battle of ideas.

A society of human fraternity, equality, freedom and peace, that is socialism. It is the noblest of aims that mankind has ever aspired to. It has reason and truth on its side. It will eliminate all the pettiness, narrowness, conflict that now saps humanity’s potential. All will gain. The first requirement for the workers in all countries of the world is to oppose the capitalist class and their political parties,  taking the political power out of the hands of the capitalist class and into their own hands. The Socialist Party opens up the possibility of galvanizing the entire working people in alliance with the struggles of the workers in other parts of the globe, to eliminate once and for all the recurring problems spawned by capitalism and to eliminate its wars and to usher in a new world of peace and plenty. Despite the campaign of lies and distortions about the socialist viewpoint we are confident that developing realities, will make the Socialist Party take a powerful leap forward on the march to a socialist world. The revolution that is coming will place the working women and men of the world in full command over its vast resources, that will link it to the worldwide struggles of the working class, and lay down the foundations of the new socialist order of peace and freedom.

The Labour Party is reformist when the task is revolutionary—that is, socialist. While capitalism is moving out to slash the many gains already won, imposing new burdens, straight-jacketing organized labour with union-busting laws, cutting down on social legislation, the politicians talk in terms of the amelioration of class conflicts. They project a perspective of merely removing what they present as minor defects in the existing capitalist order of things, of patching capitalism up and making it more tolerable, instead of a perspective of fundamental change. The Labour Party teaches conciliation, peaceful co-existence with capitalism, not class struggle against it. Capitalism promises the people not amelioration of conditions but economic recessions, austerity, oppression and repression. Only through an irreconcilable struggle against capitalism, towards its elimination and the establishment of socialism, will the people of the world find the full freedom, equality and democracy for which they aspire.

New technological progress is now reaping vast profits for the industrial and financial oligarchy yet condemning millions of workers to the prospect of permanent unemployment.  The Socialist Party fights on the terrain of democracy by arguing that we can make our planet more productive, more just, and more sustainable by extending and deepening social democracy. Capitalist production uses human wants for making profit. Human wants are satisfied on the prior condition that this is profitable, within the system of producing commodities for sale on the markets. We need a society which is concerned with the interests of all its members. The alternative to capitalism is a new set of productive relationships—socialism. The alternative to the present world where resources are monopolised by a privileged minority is a world which is held in common and at the free disposal of all humanity. The alternative to commodity production for the market is the production of useful wealth directly for human need. The transfer of the world into the hands of all humanity and its conscious democratic control for the human interest is the political act of socialism. This transformation of productive relationships will remove the economic limitations of capitalist production and enable us to deal in a practical way with social problems. The Socialist Party conclusion is that capitalism can only operate in accordance with its own structure and economic laws and that the way out is to abolish capitalism and establish socialism. It's easy to forget why people are socialists: the vision of a world free from poverty, wars and social hostility, where co-operation, freedom and democracy are the order of the day.  We are transformed by the possibilities of a better, freer, co-operative and caring world.

Socialism is a science of interrelationships. Indeed, because it emphasises the importance of the way living things get their means to survive it is the application of the same approach that Marx's materialist conception
of history takes to human society; it is a materialist conception of the world of living things.

 The view of Marxian socialists since the time of Joseph Dietzgen who expounded it under the name of "dialectical materialism" (not to be confused with the official ideology of the former state-capitalist countries which had the same name) is  to hold that the things we perceive don't exist as separate, independent things but are only parts of an interrelated and interacting universe which alone has an independent existence ("holism", as it is now called) and that everything in the universe is composed of the same "stuff’ or material ("monism”).

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