

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Socialists offer a new vision

 The Socialist Party recognises that there are many faults with the capitalist system, resulting in human suffering. The Socialist Party believes that workers are exploited by a capitalist economy. Under capitalism, the few own the industries. The many do the work. Wage workers are compelled to give a large part of the product of their labour to the few. So long as the few own and control the economic life of the planet the many must be enslaved, poverty must coexist with conspicuous luxury and civil strife prevail. The dire consequences of this system are everywhere apparent. The workers are oppressed and deprived of much that makes for physical, mental and moral well- being. Year by year poverty and industrial accidents destroy more lives than all the wars in the world. The Socialist Party is to-day the only democratic party of the workers who would remove the causes of the social evils inherent in the capitalist system. The Socialist Party is the political expression of the economic interests of the working class. By voting for the Socialist Party you can help remove the capitalist system.

Instead of being organised to provide all members of society with an abundance of food, clothing and shelter, and the highest attainable freedom and culture, industry is at present organised and conducted for the benefit of a parasite class. All the powers of government and all our technological genius are directed to the end of securing to the relatively small class of investors the largest amount of profits which can be wrung from the labour of the majority whose only possession is muscle and brain, manual and mental labour power. The Socialist Party would end these conditions by reorganising the life of the planet upon the basis of socialism. Socialism would not abolish personal property but greatly extend it. We believe that every human being should have and own all the things which he or she can use to advantage, for the enrichment of his or her own life, without imposing disadvantage or burden upon any other human being. If men and women were free to work to satisfy their desires there could be neither poverty nor involuntary unemployment. But people are not free to work to satisfy their desires but can labour only when the capitalist class who own all believe they can market their product at a profit. The needs of millions are subordinated to the greeds of a few. Their greed comes first—the people's needs are secondary. The Socialist Party maintains its attitude of unalterable opposition to war. We state that the competitive nature of capitalism is the cause of modern war and that the co-operative nature of socialism is alone adapted to the task of ending war by removing its causes. 

The Socialist Party advances along the road to a world free from capitalist exploitation -- a socialist society built on the enduring principles of equality, justice, and solidarity among peoples. We are socialists because we have a vision of a humane worldwide social system. We are socialists because we reject a global economic order sustained by profit, alienated labour, discrimination, environmental destruction, brutality, and violence. Our vision of socialism is a democratic one, rooted in the belief that individuals can only reach their full potential in a society that embodies the values of liberty and equality, and only through creating material and cultural bonds of solidarity. We demand a society where all participate as equals and are respected for their worth as human beings. A society where a full life for all may be achieved.  We demand that people have control over how they work when they work and how their labour is applied. The world is more productive than it has ever been yet millions upon millions remain mired in poverty. Increased productivity can eliminate poverty and satisfy everyone’s material needs. We demand a system that can achieve this. If left unchecked, capitalism will destroy our planet. We in the Socialist Party believe that a new society must be organised and built that can serve the interests of the majority. We are committed to fighting for real change. The Socialist Party offers a vision based on our core values and principles, to our fellow-workers. The Socialist Party, as a political party of working people, provides a vehicle through which they can develop their class strength. 

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