

Sunday, August 12, 2018

The In's And Outs Of Capitalism's Problems.

Doesn't it strike one as kind of nuts that on the US southern border thousands of people are trying to get in, whereas on its northern border thousands are trying to get out? 

You may say that it's on account of that madman Trump, which may be a good answer as far as it goes, but it doesn't go far enough. Trump couldn't do the things he does if capitalism wasn't undergoing a relatively bad time, which he is making worse. 

  Hitler and his thugs were able to do what they did, because of the effects of the Versailles treaty and the resentment it caused in Germany. McCarthy couldn't have destroyed so many peoples lives if there hadn't been such anti-Soviet feeling prevailing in the US. 

People make history from the conditions to hand. Positive actions can improve things a little, such as FDR's New Deal, which were suggested to him by Labour Secretary Frances Perkins, but far better still would be a society where the standard of living, war, the level of unemployment would not be dependent on the decisions of anyone.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC

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