

Sunday, September 30, 2018

A Still Birth Reform

Ontario's new P.C. government lost no time in proverbially saying ''Screw You'' to the working class, as if they're not already screwed enough. 

Fury was unleashed in the debate about the cancellation of the Liberals proposed basic income plan, which was launched in April 2017 and offered low-income residents in three communities $14,000 a year to individuals, or $24,000 to couples, and an extra $6,000 for the disabled.

 Doug Ford had said he would allow this proposed reform to proceed if elected Premier, but Social Services Minister Lisa MacLeod axed it on July 31. Nor can the aggrieved turn to the Federal government for help. 

The Social Development Minister in Ottawa, Jean-Yves Duclos, said such programs are up to the provincial governments. Though Ottawa runs income programs for seniors and children it doesn't for low-income adults. 

We've all seen reforms abolished and watered-down by new governments, but here was one gotten rid of before it had a chance to start. 

So much for the benefit of reformism

For socialism, Steve, Mehmet, John & all contributing members of the SPC.

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