

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Chilling Words Indeed.

David Olive, the Toronto Star’s economic expert, wrote a pretty gloomy piece in the edition of Sept. 15. The fact that is ain’t a barrel of laughs is indicative of the fact that the apologists for crapitalism have given up trying to put a brave spin on things.

 Olive reviewed the last ten years since the financial meltdown and said, "There's still reason to worry”. 

Aw Gee! and here is poor silly me thinking capitalism had corrected all its problems.

 Perhaps the most disturbing thing Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky said were his words of warning for Canadians: ”The global financial system is intimately connected, like the neural networks of the brain. At all times the world’s 300 or so biggest banks, including Canada’s Big Six, have enormous short-term loans outstanding to each other. Which means that the failure of just one giant financial institution could bring them all down”. 

Chilling words indeed.

For socialism, 

Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC

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