

Monday, October 15, 2018


Maryhill Community Central Halls,
304 Maryhill Road,
Glasgow G20 7YE

The Socialist Party of Great Britain has always held that the essential principle upon which the political party of the working class must be based is the principle of the class struggle.

 The implication is that only the class-conscious may be admitted to membership in the organisation, since only those who are conscious of the working-class position in society can understand the class struggle, and only those who understand the class struggle can effectively engage on the political field.

It is from the workers that the Socialist Party draws its strength because it is the workers whose interests demand the change. Hence the Socialist Party addresses its appeal for members to the working class.

We know that personal contact is a most effective way of making our case known so we warmly welcome all visitors.

To the average person, a member of Glasgow Branch appears as a type of individual who suffers from feverish discontent—full of complaints, always grumbling. We will show, however, that this view is but one of the many illusions which cloud certain minds.

 A Socialist Party member possesses ambitions of a particular kind, which do not allow time for morbid reflections. He or she recognises that the battle goes to the strong, and while, therefore, healthily dissatisfied with modern conditions of existence, nevertheless enjoys contentment of mind in the knowledge that he or she is working for the only thing worthwhile; i.e., the overthrow of the capitalist system and the establishment of socialism.

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