

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

In A Socialist Society Democratic Rights Are A Given.

By now most of you are away shrugged it aside and said there is a ”notwithstanding clause”, in the constitution which allows him to ignore the ruling. Reaction has been swift and ferocious. Former Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, retired Chief Justice of Ontario, Roy McMurtry and former Saskatchewan Premier Roy Romanow condemned Ford’s action in a joint statement issued on September 14. They spelled out that the clause was meant to be invoked in, ”exceptional situations and only as a last resort after careful consideration. 

“Ford’s actions” they added, ”did not meet this criteria; we condemn his actions and call on those in his cabinet and caucus to stand up to him.” Toronto city clerk, Ulli Watkiss has her panties in a twist and has hired an outside lawyer in an attempt to tell Ford to back off. She said a fair election was becoming ”virtually impossible to carry out”.

 In order to print a planned 2.6 million ballots on time, the printers will need to work 14 hours a day for 7 days and that the current schedule does not provide any room for the correction of errors. At the time of writing it is not known how things will play out, but what we do know is that this is just another attack on the democratic procedure.

 In this respect, Ford is no different from Erdogan and Trump. Michael Moore, when wishing to stress the fragility of democracy, said recently that when Hitler became Chancellor, the mainstream newspaper of Germany’s Jewish community told its readers that they shouldn’t worry, Germany was a democracy and they had a constitution. The political stooges of the capitalist class will always attempt to erode if not outright abolish democracy.

We Socialists see it as a useful thing to have around as it is easier to propagate for Socialism than it would be under a dictatorship, but that doesn’t mean we will work to preserve it. Our job is to work for a society where democratic rights are a given and situations like the above will not arise – So why not join us?

For socialism,

 Steve, Mehmet, John &a; contributing members of the SPC

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