

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Observations of a Canadian Socialist

In August an SPC’er took a trip across Canada to Vancouver. Here are a few of his observations.

In Finns Slough, just outside the Richmond, B.C. city limits people are living in shacks, like third- world squalor. On Gastown Vancouver, it is worse; there are no shacks, they live and sleep on the street, victims of a system that uses people and spits them out when they are no longer productive.

At the intersection of Abbot and Hastings, there are on opposite sides apartments for millionaires and those for the almost destitute, highlighting capitalism’s glaring contradictions between wealth and poverty. Near the coast, there is, under construction, a building which looks about 2 square miles in area. It will be to receive goods coming in from that great capitalist power, so-called communist China. 

I stayed at a very nice and small hotel the Delta Inn which is in Delta, B.C. and is close to a network of main roads and highways. Because of its accessibility, it will soon be torn down and a casino will be built. The almighty buck rules. Sydney on Vancouver Island is a very nice small coastal town, buts it’s not so nice at night when the tides out. The ocean floor is covered with garbage which is dumped there by ocean liners. The local folk are not amused.

Racist attitudes are common among Vancouverites. They feel bitter about Asian immigrants buying property there and call it, "The Asian Invasion”. Another way capitalism divides worker against worker. 

While traveling across Canada I noticed how similar the cities looked. Didn’t the authors of the Communist Manifesto, say something to the effect that capitalism seeks to make the world in its own image? The joke being that critics of Socialism have said it would create uniformity.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC

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