

Thursday, October 04, 2018

The Problem With All This hatred Of The U.S.A.

Everywhere I go I hear people express anti-American sentiments, intensified now there is a real jerk in the White House. 

It's at least half-way to understandable considering what the American capitalists have done all over the world. 

They offer loans to countries, knowing they can never pay them back, then force them to accept their companies going into these, little better than colonies, and then proceed to legally steal their natural wealth, particularly oil. In the process, they destroy the environment, force the locals to slave for them for low wages and turn the rivers into flaming cesspools. In some cases, they blatantly invade, such as Iraq and Afghanistan. 

The world's financial institutions, such as the World Bank are largely American controlled as are the major global corporations. 

Furthermore the leaders of the countries the US rape have to play ball or they will be forced out like Mossadegh was in Iran in 1951 and Arbenz in Guatemala in 1954. Some guys weren't so lucky and were murdered, typical cases being Trujillo in the Dominican Republic in 1961, Roldos, Ecuador 1981, Torrijo, Panama also 1981, a busy year, and Allende in Chile in 1973. They even offed one of their own boys, JFK in 1963, who wasn't playing ball with powerful American capitalists.

 The problem with all this hatred of the US blinds people to the truth, which is the Americans are not the enemy; not the working class, the capitalist class, the banks or the global corporations, but the entire capitalist situation which creates all the social evils we find so despicable. 

Kicking the Americans out, however hard that would be, would not solve anything if the locals were exploited by local capitalists.

 Hate is all very useful if leads to understanding, but if it doesn't its conducive to a continuation of crapitalism.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & all contributing members of the SPC.

1 comment:

  1. "They even offed one of their own boys, JFK in 1963, who wasn't playing ball with powerful American capitalists."

    Where is the evidence of this claim?

    All the facts head in the same direction. LHO, a lone gunman, assassinated JFK.

    I suggest a read of this for some understanding of motive
