

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Anti-Racism Rally

STUC St Andrew's Day Anti-Racism March & Rally
SAT 24th November
Glasgow Green
Fellow-workers should be aware that the only way to confront racists and fascists is on the battlefield of ideas, not with fists and boots.
The Socialist Party points the finger of blame at the real perpetrator of racism — the capitalist system.  Dispossessed, frustrated and alienated workers will always look for a short-cut to even up the imbalance between themselves and their masters. Is it any wonder workers are hoodwinked into believing ethnic communities or newcomers are the cause of their misfortune, and so must bear the brunt of their frustration. 
Racism will only be destroyed through a change in society. Racism has to be seen for what it is — a parasite on the back of nationalism, which is itself a disease of world capitalism. The task for socialists in their argument with racists is to convince them that workers have no nation and that there is more that unites the exploited members of the human race, all of whom have the same basic needs than can ever divide us culturally or historically. 
Racist ideas are a manifestation of capitalism, and will only be eradicated when the capitalist system itself is expunged by workers taking control of their own destiny, becoming conscious of their position in the relations of production and by democratically establishing a socialist society.

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