

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

You Get The Pie Crumbs, What’s To Complain About?

So finally, at a few minutes before the deadline on September 30, the leading joe boys for their respective, if not respected capitalist classes in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico worked out a NAFTA agreement. 

It was as if one said, ''Here's your slice of the pie buddy, and yours too my fellow partner-in-crime'', and one said, ''Thanks but what about the working class?" The others looked on in amazement and yelled, ''WHO?'' ''You know the poor dumb schmucks who create the wealth we are carving up between us so their bosses and ours can live high on the hog.'' “Oh! those twits, well don't worry about them - while we eat the pie so crumbs may fall off the table that they can fight for!''
For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

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