

Saturday, November 10, 2018

You Must First Eliminate The Cause.

That racist feelings are on the rise in Ontario cannot be doubted by anyone who lives there. So it was surprising that the Ford government disbanded 4 sub-committees of the Anti-Racism Directorate, these being the ones concerning racism directed against Jews, black people, Muslims and indigenous people. Also, they downgraded the minister to a part-time minister. 

Nevertheless, the poor downgraded guy, Michel Tibollo, said it wouldn't make any difference in the work of the directorate, which is hard to believe. Any government can spend a fortune on trying to eliminate racism, not that it would be so generous, but it would still be a case of fighting cancer with band-aids and aspirin. 

We Socialists know that to eliminate the symptom you must first eliminate the cause.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

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