

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

No Christmas Joy

Action for Children said a decade of austerity “has caused almost unrecognisable levels of poverty” in Scotland’s communities and a shocking number of children will be deprived of basics such as warm winter clothing, fresh food or celebrations this Christmas.
The charity cited official government figures suggesting 100,000 Scottish children aged 10 or below are in families with low incomes and material deprivation.
Paul Carberry, Action for Children’s director for Scotland, revealed the charity’s frontline services have seen a 30% rise in families seeking financial advice in the last three years.
He said: “Every day our staff see first-hand the impossible choices that families living in practically Dickensian levels of poverty have to make. Our services are helping thousands of families keep their heads above water through budgeting, providing a meal or making sure they get help from foodbanks.”
Carberry said, “Inequalities in health and life-expectancy remain as prevalent and after a decade of Tory austerity, the dramatic rise in the use of foodbanks tells its own sad story,” he said. “While the Conservative government claims that the era of austerity is over, it is impossible to see the evidence of this. Their policy agenda has caused almost unrecognisable levels of poverty in communities the length and breadth of Scotland.”

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