

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

A Guid New Year to one and aw'

Another new year has arrived, and with it,  the usual good wishes for health, wealth, and prosperity. There exists a time-honoured illusion that somehow the advent of a new year automatically wipes out the mistakes, horrors and heartbreaks of the last 365 days. A sort of magical aura surrounds the celebrations with the old year depicted as a very old man plodding wearily to his grave, and the new year as a lovable little baby as if a new leaf has been well and truly turned, and the way ahead is clear. What a false idea, but it is one to which most people cling to. And what of the prospects for  2019? The same as for any other year or at any point in any year. It doesn’t take an astrology chart to tell us that capitalism will continue, and its problems with it. For most of us it means a drab and insecure life, and as much as ever the threat of destruction from climate change and war hanging over us like an angry dark cloud. This is the standard condition of capitalism with which we are so familiar.

Our wish for the New Year is that it will open a way to a harmonious life for all men and women by harmonising the economic interests of all men and women. We urge all members of our class to devote their attention in the coming new year to our emancipation from wage-slavery.
Capitalism is a system of society which divides people rather than unites them — capitalist from worker, men from women, blacks from whites, nation from nation. It teaches us competition not co-operation competition for jobs, housing and something that approximates to a bearable standard of living. The division between capitalist and worker is inherent in capitalism — their interests are totally opposed and can never be reconciled. But the divisions between workers are not inherent —they are encouraged by the conditions in which we live and work but could be overcome through a recognition of our common class interests, our mutual inter-dependence and, above all, the need for radical change.

 For your New Year's resolution  we suggest it would be nice to think that people throughout the world are scribbling the words: "I resolve that 2019 will be the year that I will organise democratically with my fellow workers to abolish capitalism and bring about a society in which we can all start to become healthy, happy and wise".

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