

Friday, January 25, 2019

The problem is capitalism. The solution is socialism

The world of mankind and our natural world is under threat. We need to look beyond capitalism. We find unprecedented anger, division and despair among the working classes as capitalism concentrates wealth toward the top. The problem is structural. Politicians first and foremost serve business interests with some small crumbs hopefully “trickling down” to the masses. Since their promises did not materialise, the “populists” and “anti-globalists”are openly scapegoating immigrants for society’s problems. While working-class are angry at the system and united in their despair, they are divided against each other, often along racial lines. Something new and better is needed. Call it What you may, “post-capitalism”, “social democracy”, “eco-socialism,” “democratic socialism” or just plain old “socialism”. People must rise up in a movement for self-preservation and overthrow capitalism in favour of a socialist sustained, ecologically supportable existence with our fellow human beings and the planet.

Scarcity and privation need not be mankind’s future. There is a better way for suffering humanity – to go forward together to reestablish the democratic common ownership of the means of producing life’s necessities. Socialism advocates the synthesis of ecological balance, social harmony, personal freedom and material comfort. The Socialist Party says that human beings can learn to understand nature, production and social relations, and change them in a rational manner. Only socialism, by absorbing all classes in the common ownership of the means of production, can resolve the antagonism between the employing class and the working class. A truly human way of life is incompatible with private property, wage-labour, money and the state. The Socialist Party wants to bring about a society in which men and women will consider each other as brothers and sisters and by mutual support will achieve the greatest well-being and freedom as well as physical and intellectual development for all. The strongest is the one who is the least isolated; the most independent is the one who has most fellowships and friendships.

Political parties are the product of the class struggle. In a class-free society which has rid itself of the remnants of class interests and ideology there will be no political parties. They will be unnecessary. But we are in the midst of a society torn by class struggle, and the political parties of necessity express and reflect the interests of classes in conflict. The battle-lines in this class war is between the capitalists and the workers.  The capitalist class is no longer a progressive class. It cannot lead mankind forward. It can only drag it backwards. Based upon private property, it has long-since fulfilled whatever progressive role it had to play in the development of society. Capitalism now fetters the productive forces, drags society into desolation and catastrophe. The working class is the custodian of socialism which paves the way to the next great stride in the evolution of society. We have to campaign clearly and say that there can be no solution to the problem of our fellow-workers under capitalism. We have to argue we must fight all the time to change the system. That’s the only solution. The Socialist Party challenges every other school of thought to come and put their cards on the table and debate with us. Because the only people that can talk about a future for mankind is the Socialist Party – and we shouldn’t be ashamed to say so. Socialism will not be formed blindly but will be built consciously. Solidarity will be the basis of society. People will divide into “parties” around  such questions as the route of a new railway or road, the location of a a new building, and over the  best in sports. Such “parties” will not be poisoned by greed of class or caste. All will be equally interested in the success of the whole.

Socialism is the science of the revolution. Its tool is historical materialism. Socialism has been able to analyse capitalism, and to provide answers to the main economic, political and social problems of our times but it does not and never pretended to answer all the problems of mankind. It does not, for example, pretend to solve all personal problems, but insofar as it points the way to the solution of the social problem of society, it contributes to the solution of personal problems. The wealth and productive facilities of the world could supply the material basis for a new social organisation which would ensure plenty for all in the shortest time. But the capitalist ownership of industry and the their control of the government stands in the way of using these riches and facilities for the benefit of mankind. Abundance already exists potentially today and it is clear that every new technological development makes the case for socialism even stronger.

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