

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Vulture Capitalism. Another Pension Fund sucked Dry

Two motions have been brought before the Ontario Superior Court, by 12,000 former Sears workers who feel they have been royally screwed, having been forced to take a 30 per cent cut on their pensions. 

The main focus of their ire is Eddie Lampert, a hedge fund billionaire, who took control over the ailing retail giant in 2005 and helped run it into the ground until it filed for bankruptcy protection in 2017. 

What has upset the plaintiffs so much is that in December 2013 a $509 million dollar dividend was paid by Sears-Canada to its shareholders; you can bet they had a merry Christmas. 

As Bernie Sanders said, "Once again vulture capitalists have hollowed out a company to line their own pockets".

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC

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