

Thursday, February 07, 2019

All for One, One for All

Much has been in the media about racism, anti-semitism and islamophobia as well as reports of anti-immigration and anti-LGBT. Not only has there been numerous campaigns to discourage such bigotry, but legislation has been passed to outlaw such thought-crimes as illegal. Many well-meaning people, appalled at such expression of views have been prepared to listen sympathetically for even more bans. This is an understandable reaction particularly if you happen to be a victim of prejudice. But a little dispassionate reflection will show it to be wrong.

Would it only led to racialists being more careful about the words and images they use, going underground and creating a backlash again proponents of PC attitudes. Ideas cannot be suppressed by legislation.

Full free speech means exactly what it says: any and every view should be allowed expression so that it can be examined and shown to be wrong.

The Socialist Party is wholeheartedly in favour of the fullest freedom of speech. This is because we hold that out of full and free discussion of today’s social problems only one valid conclusion can emerge: that socialism alone will provide the framework within which they can be solved.

The real problem is why do certain sections of the working class hold discriminatory views and how can they be persuaded to abandon them. It is fairly clear why a certain number of workers scapegoat other sections of the population. Suffering from bad housing, poor hospital services, poor schools, etc., and having seen the arrival of newcomers into their areas they mistakenly link the two together to conclude that it is the cause of their problems. Where arises insecurity there is also comfort in the herd mentality so being different makes a person suspect. So, workers with intolerant beliefs are workers who, in their search for an explanation of and solution to their troubles, have reached a mistaken conclusion. How can they be convinced that they are wrong? If they can’t be convinced by legislation they can be convinced even less by being insulted or ostracised. The only way is to try to convince them that their conclusions are wrong.

This is the approach the Socialist Party has always adopted expose dangerous nonsense before an audience of interested workers. People who deny the validity of our approach of of reasoned open argument are in effect denying that people are incapable of rational argument.

The ultimate basis of all arguments for is an assumption that people are too stupid or irresponsible or immature to make up their own minds and that others, more superior and mostly self-appointed, must therefore decide for them

Mere propaganda on its own, unlinked to propaganda for socialism, will not be effective. It offers no solution to the problems and frustrations which drive some workers to embrace extremist politics. It leaves untreated the capitalist cause of the disease while trying to deal with the symptom.

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