

Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Socialist Dawn

Humanity is experiencing times of instability and insecurity. It is neither a precedent, nor an exception. Tremendous changes are taking place among workers. The capitalist class has taken increasing steps to try to ensure that workers remain reliable and loyal wage slaves. Many liberals have chosen to call themselves “democratic socialists” yet few of them understand the historical background of the term. There exists a fallacy in identifying radicalisation with class warfare. The two are not the same, and not always part of the same process. Mass radicalisation is a condition of changing attitudes, shifting beliefs, rejecting previously accepted values. It is the subjective responses to social crises. The class struggle and class warfare continue under all circumstances in capitalist society. We are failing to understand that our society requires transformation.

The aim of the Socialist Party is to build towards a socially just, sustainable future. Radical-sounding environmentalists rail against consumerism and frequently propose that people need to accept a lower level of living in order to deal with the climate crisis. When austerity policies are already cutting into living standards, demanding that working-class people change their lifestyles is unlikely to win workers to environmentalism, and more importantly, is not the correct response to the global warming problem. Rather than focusing on what people consume, we struggle for a world where ecologically sound production is democratically and rationally controlled by the people. Labour creates all wealth

Our socialist ideas are generalisations from the past and from the present; we use them as weapons to create the future. Every day capitalist apologists presents new appearances, lies, shams that seem to disprove our case for socialism. The capitalists heap misery upon misery upon backs of the working class. For countless millions life today means poverty, hunger and war. Everywhere the capitalist rulers look for remedies. But they can find no way out of the blind alley. We must remember the spirit and meaning of working-class solidarity. Unity is strength. Capitalists are using the government to strip our rights and squeeze the last drop of sweat and blood from us. They are whipping up nationalist hysteria against migrant workers.

Austerity and cuts mean just one thing – that we working people take the brunt of it. This is no secret, because we live through it every day. People say it’s just like the 30’s. But we say it’s a lot worse! But what is at the root of the problem? The root of the problem is capitalism. Capitalism causes recessions because of its unplanned and unregulated anarchic competition and drive for maximum profit through ever intensified exploitation of the workers. The motive of capitalist production is the securing of maximum profits. Production of goods is in fact an incidental aim of capitalism, as is employment. The possessing class organises production for the purposes of increasing profits. When conditions are such that profits can be increased by increasing production, the owners do so, and when conditions are such that profits can only be increased by cutting back production to keep up the price, then that is what they do. Thus, if it serves to increase profits to increase the numbers of workers in production, then this is done; but if profits can only be increased by intensifying exploitation, getting more or the same amount of work out of fewer workers, then this is done instead. 

We need socialism because the means of life, the factories, the offices, mines and land should belong to the people! We need socialism because production of the necessities of life should be for the use of the people instead of the profit of a few. For too long we have endured the misery the bosses have inflicted on us! We have not forgotten and we will not forget! And we will be unafraid! We have had enough.

These fundamental features of the capitalist system cannot be eliminated without removing the capitalist system itself. Let us proclaim our solidarity with the workers of the entire world! We must prepare for a socialist revolution — there is no other way! The dawn of socialism is rising on mankind’s horizon, ending forever the misery of want and war.

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