

Saturday, February 09, 2019

Cutting Education in Toronto

When Governments Are in Debt.  Education For Workers Is Diminished. Nothing New There.

Ford’s Ontario government lost no time in slashing reform measures. It has cut $25 million in funding for programs that provide after-school jobs for needy teens, class room tutors for kids as well as projects focusing on indigenous issues.

 Maria Rizzo, chairman of the Toronto Catholic School Board, said,”I’m sick to my stomach because I’m afraid of the steps we’ve taken on poverty, on indigenous education and even in the Focus on Youth Program – we’ve hired our kids in the most vulnerable school communities, in the neediest neighbourhoods, just to give them a leg up. Now I have serious concerns. 

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Education said,”such funds must be better managed so they the greatest impact on the students”. The fact that the province is $14.5 billion in debt has, of course, nothing to do with it. NDP education critic, Marit Stiles, said,”These cuts are going to be deeply felt by our kids in the classroom. 

For Doug Ford to take the axe to schools is inexcusable. It would be better for all concerned, if we had a society that didn’t need reforms.
Socialist Party of Canada's  news report.

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