

Monday, March 25, 2019

Lothian Socialist Discussion (27/3)

Making Politics Matter

Wednesday, March 27, 7:30 to 9:00 pm

Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh,

17 West Montgomery Place,

 Edinburgh EH7 5HA

Today, we find examples of both the left and the right blaming political democracy, or ‘bourgeois democracy’ as they call it, as the cause of the many problems facing people. Some envisage nationalist solutions as in protectionism, the erection of tariff barriers, a sentiment behind the Brexit vote. They blame political democracy and elected politicians for not heeding the popular vote in the referendum. There are those who seek to ‘take back control’ to try to push through a populist and nationalist agenda.

Today’s politics fail, not because the politicians are insincere, corrupt or incompetent (as many indeed are) nor because they are not subject to enough control by those who elected them. It’s because the voters who elected them set an impossible task, that of making the capitalist economic system work in the interest of the majority. This can’t be done because the workings of the capitalist economic system forbid it.

Damage to the environment is now a major threat to the stability of human life on this planet. We cannot expect the problems to be solved within capitalism. Consider the fact that this has been on the international agenda for decade after decade and very little has been achieved; carbon emissions have increased (and were only temporarily slowed as an effect of the recession). Governments publicly state that the environment must come second to the economy. Only in a society where we have the power to determine what can and cannot be done will we be able to stop this headlong rush to environmental devastation. That means a world of common ownership and democratic control. Anything else which anyone offers is merely using an Elastoplast to seal a volcano. 
Only socialism can deliver so come along to this regular discussion meeting and learn why.

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