

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Abolishing Capitalism Would Be A Good Start.

There has been a positive reaction to global warming from the Indigenous people in British Columbia who have had enough of flash floods killing the fish which they need to survive. In 2018 floods wiped out the nets in rivers which were there to catch the spawning salmon and they lost about 10,000 fish. 

Art Antoine is a guardian watchman with Bonaparte First Nation and was quite vocal, ''Damn right the fish are our lives and after the Moose population we in the wildfires, we're at the front line of climate change''. 

One of the largest guardian teams is that of the Coastal First Nations of B.C. that has combined their training and resources with the aim of protecting the environment and improving community well being.

 It would be excellent if the rest of humanity were to be inspired by the B.C. tribes and do something about the environment and the best way to start would be by abolishing capitalism.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC

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