

Monday, April 15, 2019

Free Food...And More...Much More

The human right to food should be put into Scots Law to protect people from rising insecurity, the Scottish Human Rights Commission believes.
The commission said this right - which involves food being accessible, adequate and available for everyone - is not being realised across Scotland. It says: "Health inequalities are persistent with many people, including children, unable to afford or access a healthy and nutritious diet."
Food insecurity is "unacceptably high", the report said, with more than 480,500 food parcels being handed out by food banks between April 2017 and September 2018.
Commission chairwoman Judith Robertson said: "The Scottish Human Rights Commission is calling on the government to take action to incorporate the right to food into Scotland's laws as part of its work to make Scotland a good food nation." The option of exploring a right to food which is directly enforceable under Scots law "has not been ruled out".
For members of the Socialist Party in Scotland the immediate question is, why just food?
To be properly clothed and shod, is a human right, too.
Isn't a secure comfortable home a human right? 
What about free travel for all as a right?
The Socialist Party insist we do not limit or ration our access to the necessities of  decent life. We have been advocating a world of free access since our foundation. 
  1. money, wages, buying and selling will serve no function; they will no longer exist,
  2. each one of us will be able to take quite freely from whatever is readily available, according to our own self-determined needs,
  3. each one of us will be free to participate in providing society's needs by working quite voluntarily, according to our own willingness and ability,
  4. each one of us will have unrestricted freedom of the earth; there will be no 'national' boundaries separating various regions of the earth,
  5. the organisation and administration of society will be carried out entirely democratically by and in the interests of all the world's population, ensuring that the needs of  eople everywhere are met; there will be no need for leaders or governments.

We have always aimed to show that a world of free access is the only way to permanently ensure:
  1. the harmonious survival of the human race,
  2. an end to all poverty, hunger, hardship, discomfort and all depression, violence and tension due to economic insecurity,
  3. the rapid disappearance of racism, since nearly all racism is brought about through using others as scapegoats for the frustrations, anxieties and hardship actually caused by the money, wages, buying and selling form of society itself,
  4. an end to all forms of war, since all wars are basically economic, fought to protect or expand profitable commercial markets, land, raw materials, trade routes and strategic political positions which offer access to these.

We aim to show that a world of free access is not a far-off dream but an immediate, practical and realistic possibility, and that it can be achieved when the majority of people are aware of it, want it and consciously and peacefully bring it about through whatever democratic means are available.

There is no other way. 

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