

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Global Revolution Is Civilisation’s Last Chance.

The working class is the main force of revolution by its social condition, in the struggle to overthrow the capitalist class and its system. The capitalist system is behind all the ills that burden humanity today. Poverty, deprivation, racism, sexism, inequality, economic insecurity, political repression, unemployment, homelessness, corruption and crime are all inevitable products of this system. For sure, they have all existed before capitalism but all these problems have found a new meaning in this society, corresponding to the needs of capitalism, drawing their rationale from the needs of the system that rules the world today and serve specific interests in this society. The capitalist system itself continually and relentlessly resists efforts to eradicate and overcome these ills, standing in the way of the people to change the system. The reality of capitalism today bodes a horrifying future for the entire people of the world. The domination of the capitalist mode of production has posed before humanity the alternatives: Socialism or Barbarism. Capitalism has long been the central obstacle to social progress. The only definitive solution to these problems is the elimination of capitalism and its institutions, and the establishment of common ownership of the means of production, rational economic and social planning. The fundamental task of the Socialist Party is to build toward the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of socialism.

Just as the capitalists have solidarity against the workers, so must we have solidarity of labour. The hope of humanity and the path to progress lies in the revolt of the wage-slaves against the propertied class, the capture of political power from the propertied class, and the expropriation of the means of production and distribution from the propertied class. This great change means that the working people will own the world in common, produce wealth in common, possess in common all wealth produced, and by common agreement distribute that wealth to the benefit of all. This is the task of the workers, but one forced on us by worldwide misery. The impotence of all attempts to patch up capitalism, justifies the Socialist Party's position that only the social revolution can lay the foundations for the political and economic security of mankind.

Wherever a wage worker confronts an employer the possibility of strife and conflict is born. The worker lives by selling the use of his or her body—the employer lives by buying that use. It lies in the nature of things that the buyer should on instinct struggle to buy cheap and the seller to sell dear.

Malnutrition and hunger threaten working people unless the production and distribution of food is taken out of the hands of the capitalists. The bosses of the food corporations will not produce food except for profit. This acute and chronic problem of food shortages can be tackled only by changing the motivation of production. That motivation must no longer be for sale and for profits through sale, but for human beings, to satisfy their needs.

On with the fight, comrades!

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