

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Go Forward

The capitalist class has never stopped–and will never stop–its efforts to destroy and weaken the workers’ movement. The capitalists recognise that decisive class battles occur when the working class goes into action, and that is a constant threat to profits. The bosses use their government apparatus to undermine the workers. Members of the Socialist Party are imbued with the revolutionary aspiration for a new society without exploitation. The Socialist Party aims to political militancy, to end the policies of class collaboration, and to develop again throughout the workers movement the historic perspective of socialism. Despite a bloody history of struggle to organise and to improve conditions, reforms have not resulted in a decent, secure life for working people. Reforms only create illusions. Reforms fail to raise the political, class and socialist consciousness of workers. They fail to expose the nature of capitalism. Every gain is continuously rescinded. As long as the ownership of land and industry is under control of the capitalist class, the economy is run solely for the maximum profit interest of the bosses, and their state power is used to protect their capitalist system. Capitalism must be defeated ideologically, politically and economically.

The Socialist Party urge fellow-workers to be guided by the slogan, “An injury to one is an injury to all”. Capitalist politicians make pretty speeches. That is the way capitalism operates, the only way it can operate. For the capitalists run things for their own profit. This swindle isn’t going to last forever, of course. The working people will take over the factories, mines, transport and all other means of production. So, our main job is to kick out the capitalists and establish socialism. But that doesn’t mean we can just sit around and wait for socialism. A working class and a people that does not fight for its material needs, and for its dignity, will never get to socialism. We are preparing to dump capitalism and establish socialism.

The Socialist Party is aiming for the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism by the working class and the creation of a new world system of production. We are for common ownership to directly satisfy everyone’s needs, where production and distribution is controlled democratically by the working class via a worldwide network of local, regional and global administration system councils. Production for profit will end and nation-states and borders will be eliminated. In the process capitalism’s environmental degradation of the planet will be reversed and humanity will be able to plan for sustainable development. There have been no modern wars that are not rooted in capitalist commercial competition. The drive to war is an outcome of the operation of the capitalist system itself. It is not the result of a few mad or bad capitalist leaders and only the overthrow of the capitalist system can prevent war. There is only one war that workers are duty-bound to support – the class war. The Socialist Party does not simply oppose one section of the ruling class but is against the whole system which offers the world's workers death, destruction and misery by poverty, disease and disaster. Capitalism has no future to offer people anywhere. The power to overthrow this system based on profits for a tiny few, stolen from the unpaid labour of the working class, rests in the hands of those workers who must organise resistance and oppose capitalism on their own account

Fight for socialism! We will win!

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