

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Our Future Is Up To Us

We are all on the verge of a technological revolution that can liberate the exploited. Classes,as such, will come to an end. But those in the Socialist Party are not the evangelists of a new religion proclaiming a new revelation. We simply do not believe in the permanence of capitalism and we are dedicated to the task of organising a socialist revolution a party uniting with workers in all lands for one idea, one aim. Our goal is nothing less than the workers’ conquest of the world. Socialism is the order of the day and the workers’ revolution is the means to realise it. For as long as anyone can remember, the ruling class have paraded one political lackey after another before the people promising a lifetime of peace, prosperity and the end of poverty while they have continuously subjected millions here and around the world to wars of plunder. The Socialist Party accuses the capitalists and their whole system of legalised robbery and murder. The history of humanity shows that there is another path – the path which the oppressed in every society sooner or later takes, the path not backward but forward – the path of resistance and overthrow of their exploiters.

What is socialism? First, it is the rational distribution of’ the necessaries of life according to need. A person’s needs are food, shelter and clothing. Our necessaries include education, healthcare, and culture, leisure, entertainment and other creature comforts. We cannot precisely define needs, but each level of satisfaction is bound to produce greater longings and needs. They can be satisfied with the ever expanding technology. Secondly, socialism is a system that allows every person to contribute to society, “according to abilities”, the foundation of happiness being based on social contribution.

A revolution is an historical process by which a subordinate class overthrows its ruling class,establishes itself as a new ruling class and establishes a new political system. Changes in the economy force changes in society, a social revolution. The change in society, the social revolution, forces a political revolution. These stages are interconnected.

People organise themselves around the production and distribution of the necessities of life. We call such social organisation a society. Our society's system of production is called capitalism because the capital (the means of production) are privately owned. The workers sell their ability to work, their labour power, and buy the commodities that are necessary to live. The capitalist buys this ability to work, the labour power, the brain and muscle that, once put in motion, becomes work,and sells the commodities that work produces.

People will have to decide what kind of new society will replace the old. We view the working class for what it is – the class called upon to solve the problems of society; a class called upon to refashion an economic system which has served its purpose and now can produce only economic crises, environmental destruction and war.

Our fellow workers must organise on the basis of their own interests. They must organise in a party — in the socialist party — which represents their interests, which is controlled by them and whose candidates are subject to their directions. Organised politically in the Socialist Party and industrially in the factory and offices, the workers will be invincible. 

The Socialist Party projects a vision of the possibility of a class-free society. We see that the solution of mankind’s economic and social problems lies not within the capitalist system but beyond it, in a socialist society.

"Arise like lions from your slumber,
In unvanquishable number,
Shake to earth your chains like dew,
Which in sleep had fallen on you,
Ye are many - they are few.”

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