

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Socialism and the Future

We are as firm as ever in our belief that the only hope for humanity lies in a revolutionary reconstruction of society, and that the working class is the only one historically fitted for that great achievement. We invite the cooperation of all who will work with us toward that end. Some socialists accuse us of being dogmatic and sectarian. We are not. We welcome the criticisms of our friends and our enemies. It is about time to look upon the problem of social transformation in all its broad complexity, and try to examine more closely the practical side of the issue. The revolution could happen tomorrow, and we must enable ourselves to act within it in the most effective possible way. Let us use our time to examine more closely and clarify our ideas about what is to be done, while we try to hasten the time.

Our journal, the Socialist Standard does not muzzle its readers. We reject political jugglery and ingenious tactical tricks because we do not believe them to be efficacious in the long run. There can be no socialism without the active participation of the masses. We must strive to imbue our fellow-workers with a confidence in their own class strength; with a distrust of class collaboration and cynical opportunism. We must help them to rediscover the road of revolutionary struggle. This is the only guarantee of victory. The basic condition for victory is that the masses consciously realise that their emancipation cannot be brought about from above, but only by their own independent movement. Socialism cannot be imposed by force. Socialism, applied in its full breadth and with all its beneficial effects, is only possible when it is understood and wanted by the masses that embrace all the elements necessary to creating a society superior to the present one. Capitalism will have to face a whole series of new crises. The workers will again become the decisive political force. Even if such a method of struggle results in a temporary defeat of the workers, the defeat is nevertheless of greater benefit to the class struggle than any transitory gains obtained by class collaboration. The day has passed for patching up the capitalist system; it must go. Socialism is not possible as long as the present social and economic conditions last. Since such conditions, which keep workers slave for the benefit of those privileged, are preserved and perpetuated by brutal force, it is necessary to change them through revolutionary action. Our task is to speed it up as much as possible and encourage our fellow-workers to take possession of the production means and organize the work and the distribution of products, to occupy housing, to perform public services without waiting for commands from higher-ranking authorities. We must uncompromisingly oppose everything that hinders the will of the people and we must take care not to destroy those useful services that we cannot replace in a better way.

Capitalism is turning the worker into a mere cog in a machine. Capitalism is production for profit. No production, no profit. Mankind is being robbed not merely of the products of its labour, but of the power of free initiative, of originality, and the interest in, or desire for, the things being produced. We, in the Socialist Party realise that as we suffer together, we must work together, that we may enjoy together. Socialism or barbarism! With the whole world hard-pressed by advancing barbarism to make the choice of socialism that it must make for civilization to survive, if not to flower, the reformists find it fitting to promote the postponement of socialism. Socialism, you see, is not advocated because it “would not unite people” behind a policy of legislation and regulation to alleviate the current climate crisis. Capitalism is objectively ripe for replacement by socialism. Capitalism is an obstacle in the path of social progress and it stands in the way of the welfare of the people and the well-being of the planet. The conditions are objectively ripe for socialism precisely because capitalism can no longer work effectively, regardless of what is done. Socialism must not be understood as, an abstraction, a blueprint for reorganizing society at some future very remote date. The realisation of socialism, however is an immediacy. No green revolution can ever triumph unless it is transformed into a social revolution. Without socialists, without socialist activity instead of marking a progress of freedom and justice and the start of a complete liberation of mankind, at best, it would only bring about a shallow improvement, largely delusive and by no means adequate to the effort, the sacrifices, the pain of rebellion, and would bear new forms of oppression and exploitation perhaps even stringent than the present.

Potential production has become almost unlimited, thanks to the means nowadays provided by new technology and improved working methods, etc. However, it’s one thing to be able to produce and another to have produced. Capitalists, either through incompetence or indifference, but largely because of a system that makes profits from shortages and rationing, do not sufficiently exploit the means of production they own, and prevent others from using them.

As long as the working class exists, the future is not hopeless. 

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