

Sunday, April 07, 2019

The age of scarcity has passed.

“...When the workers come into the world, we find that we are outcasts in the world. The land on which we must live is the property of a class who are the descendants of men who stole the land from our forefathers, and we who are workers, are, whether in town or country, compelled to pay for permission to live on the earth; the houses, shops, factories, etc., which were built by the labour of our fathers at wages that simply kept them alive are now owned by a class which never contributed an ounce of sweat to their erecting, but whose members will continue to draw rent and profit from them while the system lasts. As a result of this the worker in order to live must sell himself into the service of a master – he must sell to that master the liberty to coin into profit the physical and mental energies…There is only one remedy for this slavery of the working class, and that remedy is the socialist republic, a system of society in which the land and all houses, railways, factories, canals, workshops, and everything necessary for work shall be owned and operated as common property...” James Connolly

The working class asks very little, just peace, homes, security, decent working conditions, a reasonable education leisure and recreation. Yet capitalism still fails to provide these basic necessities. Workers have undergone years of treachery and betrayal and still political parties try to lull us with fairy tales about how wonderful things will be if we just give them a parliamentary majority. Has history not provided us with sufficient evidence to prove that capitalist politicians have nothing to offer us but more, and larger doses, of the same old medicine – exploitation, unemployment and war? They have proofed themselves to be loyal servants of the ruling class and ardent defenders of the capitalist system, fundamentally no different from one another. The voters are right to be concerned about the candidates’ obvious lack of integrity. Their mistake is to consider such corruption and hypocrisy to be an individual matter, not an absolute necessity of capitalist politics.

We believe that the working people deserve better. We need a socialist party to challenge the fundamental social, economic and political basis of capitalist society and expose the condition of hunger, misery and war that are bred by it – one who will advance the fight for socialism. A party of which the elected delegates will remain the servants – not become the masters. Our goal is socialism – everything we do is in the direction of that objective. Socialism will be victorious only when the working people take possession of all the basic means of production. The attitude of the Socialist Party is clear and definite. It claims that the wealth of society is created by the workers. It claims that the workers, through various industrial and administrative councils, must own and control all the processes of wealth production. We carry this struggle on to the political field in order to challenge the power which the present ruling class wields through its domination of the State which it wins at the ballot box.

Capitalism promotes competition, strife, and bloodshed. In its path to destruction hundreds of millions of helpless people are being crushed by increasing poverty and insecurity. The clinging to capitalism, the ownership of the world by a small propertied class, is driving the people of this planet swiftly along the path to ruin. The hope of humanity and the road to progress lies in the revolt of the wage-earners against the propertied class, the capture of political power from the propertied class, and the appropriation of the land and the means of production from the propertied class. Only when the world is run by the workers of the world for their own benefit, and not for the benefit of a capitalist class, will security of livelihood and peace between the nations be obtained. That is socialism, the social or common ownership of everything managed by the chosen representatives of the workers. To transform capitalism to socialism is a revolution. In that sense we call ourselves revolutionists.

New struggles are now looming on the horizon and the working class can be expected to begin the writing of a new page in its history. The future lies with socialism. No amount of misinformation and disinformation will be able to hold back the development of socialism. Socialist ideas will prevail, preparing the way for the overthrow of capitalism and the transformation of society. The only possible hope of the working class is common ownership of the means of production.

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