

Monday, April 29, 2019

The Future Lies with the Workers

The Marxist Materialist Conception of History tells us never judge phenomena from the surface of things and outward appearance, but to delve deeper down to the economic, social and political foundations. If we perform this critical task in the case of political demagoguery of the Left and the Right, we discover that in spite of their apparent differences, in spite of the divergent polarised social composition of their support, there are nevertheless similarities. Demagogues adapt their policy and propaganda to the prejudices of the audience to which it is hoped to appeal, without regard to the truth or correctness or workability of any given proposal. The pandering to prejudices and build on them. Such demagogy of populist parties is not accidental. All promises of material betterment, of peace, prosperity and security, are necessarily demagogic as they are formulated within the framework of the capitalist order, and none of these are possible under capitalism. That is why their claims AGAINST capitalism can be nothing but demagogy. Each in its different way presents a platforms which presupposes the continued existence of capitalism. Each of these parties are basically dedicated, however indirectly, to the maintenance and defence of capitalism. For sure, the Left and Right differ profoundly in the ways and means they propose; in their social composition of their supporters; in the manner and direction of their campaign. But these differences are secondary to this basic similarity.

In America, the Republican Party appears, the party of reaction, supported by the majority of the big capitalists, and by considerable portions of the middle classes. Its leaders make clear that the future of capitalism and profits, lies in true Americanism, rugged individualism, competition, no government “interference” in business, no concessions to the labour unions and an infantile program of U. S. isolationism. They want to pursue still increased profits in in their own unhampered way and Trump promises them he is the leader to do it.

The Democratic Party differ widely – in words at any rate. It too is devoted to the preservation of capitalism and the fullest possible capitalist prosperity (i.e., profits). The Democrats believe that the method of appealing to that traditional rugged individualism is no longer the route either to protect profits or to keep the tolerance of the people for the capitalist order. They advocate an “enlightened” capitalism, tempering the harsh exploitation with soft phrases about civil rights, collective bargaining and palliative government measures.. In this way, the Democratic Party aim to oil the wheels of industry.

The ONLY issue for the working class is the CLASS issue: what class holds power? More clearly than ever before, it must be the World Socialist Party against all others, – for workers' power and for socialism. Our Party is the only party that points out that there is no alternative for the working class other than socialism. Since its foundation, the Socialist Party has consistently carried forward the tradition of revolutionary Marxism. Our perspective remains what it has been: to do its part in the great task of making our party the revolutionary party of the working class. If we maintain a clear Marxian position and at the same time build, educate, work and fight side by side with the workers in each and every phase of the class struggle we will have no reason to worry about the charge of sectarianism or to fear isolation from our fellow-workers.

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