

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Why settle for the lesser evil?


We now face a daunting array of challenges. If we are to save ourselves, we must take an honest look at where we are and then act urgently to get where we want to go. The interests of the workers, as the exploited and oppressed, class of society, are the same in all countries. Capitalist exploitation unites the workers without difference of trade, sex, religion, and nationality, into the one revolutionary force, that is going to build a new world. A vote for the Socialist Party is a vote for yourself. A vote for Labour or a Conservative or Nationalist is a vote for your master. They believe in capitalism and are firm defenders of the profit system and the rights of capitalists to exploit labour.

 If anyone who has a shred of socialist integrity left is to support the Socialist Party candidates against the candidates of the capitalist class. When no socialist is on the ballot, The Socialist Party’s advice to voters, is abstain from voting for either evil, and to mark their voting papers for the Social Revolution. A vote for the small revolutionary party, then – which has no candidates? Yes. A vote of confidence in it and of confidence in the revolutionary tomorrow, so that the dozens and hundreds of today may be the thousands and hundreds of thousands they must number tomorrow

For many years people have been told to vote for a lesser evil. Lesser Evils who, as executors of the system, find themselves acting at every important juncture exactly like the Greater Evils, and sometimes worse. The lesser evil in theory becomes the greater evil in practice. And we are tired of being blackmailed into voting for enemies of the world’s people.

It would be nonsense to argue that a Tory Government would be “better than a Labour Government.” It is equally nonsense to argue that a Labour Government “is better than a Tory Government.” Both governments are anti-working-class governments of the capitalist class.

The Socialist Party seeks to eradicate the basic causes for war, unemployment, poverty and fascism, which it knows are the products of capitalism. We are for world socialism as the only way to abolish all the evils of modern class society.

The tragedy lies in the fact that there is no mass revolutionary party, independent of all varieties of reformist politics, to end capitalist rule and its attendant horrors.

This lesser-evil argument represents the greatest single mistaken dogma on the Left. Socialism is not a matter of helping capitalism solve its mess.

In politics, we don’t believe in choosing the “lesser evil” over a greater evil, when such a choice exists. But these parties are both monstrous evils for the working people. We choose instead something good for working men and women: THE SOCIALIST PARTY!

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