

Friday, May 24, 2019

A Planet to Save, A World to Win

Another day of protests by schoolchildren over climate change has taken place in Scotland.
A number of gatherings were held, with two of the largest at the Scottish parliament and Glasgow's George Square. Protests also took place in Aberdeen, Fort William, Skelmorlie, Aboyne, Peebles, Nairn, Stirling and Ullapool.
Socialists argue that a system of ownership of the means of life by individuals, corporations and states directly causes the problems of climate change. Therefore your political support of such a system will necessarily and inevitably lead to the continuation of global warming, and the unthinkable consequences that accompanies it. it is not mankind but the capitalist economic system itself which is responsible for ecological problems. The environment is not under threat from humanity as such, but from profit-seeking.
The Socialist Party is not urging the Friday for Climate school strikers to believe us uncritically. We are confident that overwhelming evidence will be found in day-to-day experience to support our claim that the major environmentalist problems are the results not of inefficient politicians or ineffectual policies, but rather of the global capitalist system. To understand the economics of our society as a system that operates by certain laws is not an academic pursuit but a way of empowering ourselves. It is easy to feel angered at our society, to hold that there is little we can do to make a better world for ourselves and for our children. But fully comprehending how things are run for the benefit of the enrichment of the few generates an unbridled determination to fight for the better world now, for a different system which works in our favour. 

End the capitalist system!

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