

Sunday, May 26, 2019


The Socialist Party is the workers' party. It is our Party. It is the Party which is our hope. We fight for its welfare. We fight to preserve it for revolutionary socialism. It is our organisation. People strive to achieve a purpose through organisation of like-minded persons. We in the Socialist Party share the same ideas. Therefore, being together in our party, we act together through our party.

What aims does the Socialist Party urge the working class to adopt? What actions does it urge them to take. The Socialist Party's aim is to inspire the working class towards the conscious, effective struggle to overturn the outlived, rotten system of, capitalism in order to replace it with the democratic rule of the workers which will reorganise society on a socialist basis, free of class exploitation, oppression and inequality. These ideas representing the yearnings of the oppressed and exploited everywhere. The Socialist Party is an organisation of revolutionary socialism, of socialist internationalism.

Capitalism has reduced mankind to a state of chronic misery, poverty, insecurity, fear, periodic carnage, insane luxury for the few, hunger and degradation for the many — a state that simply cannot continue if mankind is to progress, to save humanity, this putrid wound on its body must be removed. When you fight capitalism you are doing what is right and just from the point of view of your class interests and of the future of humanity. You are fighting to forever abolish exploitation. The rule to be soon established is let each person work according to his ability; let each person receive from the common stock of goods according to his needs. This is socialism. Mankind changes under such conditions. Soon the State is no more needed. In a class-free society there is nobody to suppress or keep in check. Men and women do not need the big stick of the State. They manage their affairs without the State force. Compulsion of any kind is repugnant to socialists. No-one may make a wage-slave of another; no-one may hoard up goods for oneself that one does not require and cannot use; but the only way to prevent such practices is not by making them punishable; it is by creating a society in which no-one needs to become a wage slave, and no-one cares to be cumbered with a private hoard of goods when all that one needs is readily supplied as one needs it from the common storehouse. Mankind is free when all things that nature and mankind produce are free in abundance.

Capitalism is highly organised and will defeat the workers’ revolution again and again, unless the workers are organised efficiently.

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