

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Revolution is possible and it is necessary

The Socialist Party fully supports the just struggles of the working class. Our cause today is a vision of humanity free of exploitation, ignorance and strife, a cause of human freedom, peace and brotherhood. The Socialist Party vision is one of peace and social harmony, free forever from want, from race and national hatred and from sexual oppression and human exploitation. That vision is a vision of a world where the ever-expanding material and cultural needs of the people are satisfied by an ever-expanding technology that has freed humanity from toil. Today, the level of the means of production makes realising this cause possible. A movement is taking shape. The movement consists of the social activity of millions of people to reorganise society in harmony.

With little hope of a decent future, the millions of working people represent a political threat to the capitalists. Labour-replacing technology is producing a global glut of labour, both skilled and unskilled. Computers are replacing labour. Feeding us, housing us, taking care of our children, conceding our demands for a better life – no longer are these things necessary elements of making a profit for the capitalists. As production is modernised to compete on the world market, a huge and permanent increase in unemployment results, with all the social, political and economic consequences. Human labour is becoming worthless. As a result, wage rates are falling and working conditions deteriorating. Africa has been virtually written off, consigning its peoples to absolute poverty, political anarchy and destruction. The capitalists have reaped unprecedented profits from these changes. Increasingly, the ruling class is making its intentions clear. It is unable to solve the problem of growing poverty. Therefore, it is moving to tightly control the millions who will not starve in silence.

Revolution must win the war for the hearts and minds of the people. The ruling class’ tactics aim to disarm and divide the working class. When workers unite as a class, no force on Earth can stop them from taking what rightfully belongs to them. Our agitation and propaganda has to arm them with the understanding that the only thing standing between them and the wealth being generated is a tiny, vampire-like class of billionaires. The movement has to be merged consciously with its cause and its vision. This will not happen spontaneously. This task falls on the shoulders of the socialists. No movement can succeed without a cause. A cause arises as a vision of what’s possible, based on the objective economic and social forces that are in motion. The task of the Socialist Party is always agitation and propaganda to reflect the history-making transformation that society is going through.

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