

Friday, May 10, 2019

Scotland needs newcomers

Scotland has a particular problem with an ageing workforce.

In 20 years time, the CBI expects only one third of the Scottish population to be of working age, causing "profound implications for Scotland, its tax base and public services". 

Carolyn Fairbairn, the director general of the CBI, "Scotland has particularly unusual problem in terms of a falling working age population."
A UK government consultation includes a minimum £30,000 salary for skilled migrants seeking five-year visas. The Home Office has said its plans would allow the UK to attract talented workers and deliver on the Brexit vote.
But Carolyn Fairbairn told BBC Scotland she believed skilled workers would have to be recruited at lower pay levels. "For many people wanting to come and work in Scotland the salaries are well below that, so we are looking for change and we are looking for a new immigration model that works for the whole country."
The Scottish median salary is less than £24,000.

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