

Thursday, May 16, 2019

We march towards the future.

Socialism is a subject of importance to all working people. If it is socialism we wish to attain our tactics will have to be developed accordingly. Socialism, as the Socialist Party understands it, means common ownership of the means of production, and their democratic management by the workers. Our aim is to put an end to the capitalism, a putrid, stinking system long ago fit for the grave. The last gasps of capitalism becomes shorter, and more choked. The Socialist Party believes that the basic problem of our time resides in society. We believe that humanity can develop a healthy society of plenty and peace. As socialists we affirm the possibility and necessity for men and women to work together to build a new and decent society, and that means primarily the class which has most to gain from and can alone construct socialism: the working class. The “Welfare State” serves to camouflage the true nature of capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system of unremitting expansion, of the ceaseless search for new markets for production, new fields for investment, and new sources of raw materials. Increasing trade, international investment, and the rise of the multinationals have all served to exacerbate competition. Capitalists have substantial foreign holdings.

History is not some automatic process in which men are merely puppets; history is the activity of men functioning within the limits of their situation. And today that situation cries for a socialist solution. Capitalism is at a loss to reconstruct the world, it cannot achieve the most simple reorganisation of production and distribution to harmonise it with Nature. The gigantic productive facilities which it unleashed for war cannot be used for peace. Starvation and poverty in the midst of plenty; uprooting of millions of people; renewed totalitarianism; diplomatic hypocrisy; destruction of the environment are part of the catalogue of the capitalist society so it can continue indefinitely. The society is sick, moribund, overripe for change. It is beyond redemption, beyond reform. No alternative exists except a thorough socialist reconstruction. And that is the program to which the working class, for all its present confusion and political immaturity, will have to turn if it is not to sink completely into a new era of barbarism. Struggle is an inescapable condition of existence for the working class under capitalism; it will continue until there is a triumphant ending. There is no other road. Either chaos and destruction – or socialist reconstruction. The socialist perspective is more valid, more essential than ever because it alone meets the problems of our times. It alone proposes a program that is realisable and which is a comprehensive solution to all of our social problems. the realisation of this program depends upon the people who believe in it and fight for it. What we do will help determine the future. We stand together with our comrades throughout the world.

Socialism is the realisation of the abolition of all forms of exploitation of man, by man, of all forms of oppression and injustice. The leading force in transforming society from capitalism to socialism is the working class i.e. wage workers who earn their livelihood through the sale of their labour power and have no other means of support. By working people is meant all who work for a livelihood and do not exploit the labour of others. The Socialist Party proposes a “guide to action” for the working class in the struggle to achieve political power and to build socialism. The Socialist Party maintains that the interests of the working class and the interests of the capitalist class are irreconcilable and that therefore, the interests of the working class can not be served through collaboration or alliance with the capitalists but in opposition to them. From these conflicting interests of the two basic classes capitalists and workers, arises an antagonism, a struggle, between the two classes: the class struggle. The solution to the basic problems of our people in the United States can only come as the result of a profound revolutionary transformation of our society That is, only socialism can provide the context to build a society free from exploitation, racism, oppression and war. It is only the working class which has the capacity to overthrow capitalism, in the struggle for the abolition of all classes.

The coming years will undoubtedly be even more decisive for the future of socialism in the world. Being Marxists those in the Socialist Party are optimists. The cooperative commonwealth is an inevitable evolution of capitalist society. 

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