

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

When it is darkest, the dawn is not far away

Many have heard the saying, “socialism or barbarism” which is growing more and more into reality with the approaching consequences of global warming and the climate crisis. Socialism cannot be built on the ruins of capitalism by destitute beggars striving for bare survival. The Socialist Party always said that the future belongs to socialism despite what appears to be dim prospects when the very word “socialism” seemed to almost dropped out of the political vocabulary. The word's connotation has been with what existed in the former Soviet sector of the world when socialism has become synonymous with tyranny, a sad fate for a word which in better days was linked always with liberty. With the concept of socialism reaching rock bottom it had no place to go but up. And up it in popularity it has gone, without a doubt. The calamities and looming catastrophes of our current social system is forcing people to wonder if there is not some other way out and once again they are looking towards people who call themselves socialists if there is a socialist movement worthy of the name as an alternative to barbarism. There is a reawakening of interest in socialism. Many are willing to listen, for deep down they know there is something rotten with the way things are. There is an increasing recognition that what Karl Marx had to say a over hundred years ago has a good bit of application today, and shows people where hope lies. The new socialist movement will be based on people who can free themselves of their miseducation

The Socialist Party is thinking of a future in terms of sustainable development where humanity looks to understanding nature’s laws and working in harmony with them, rather than treating nature as the enemy. We do not believe in the permanence of capitalism. We aim to build – and we invite you to join us in building an honest party that tells the truth to the workers, a democratic socialist party with the goal of nothing less than the conquest of the capitalist world. All the material conditions for this victory of humanity are in place. Socialism on the order of the day and the workers’ revolution is the means to realise it. Political power is wielded by social classes through political parties. The transference of power from one class to another is not an automatic process. The party of socialism, facing a well-organised capitalist class highly conscious of its interests, must strive to excel the enemy in both organisation and conscious will. It cannot, if it is to reach the historic goal, be an amorphous all-inclusive society of undisciplined dabblers. A party with a vague programme, or, worse still, no principles at all, would be like a someone without ideas. People learn from all their experiences, whether positive or negative. More optimistic are we that out of the present ferment in the environmentalist campaigns and the coming radicalisation of the participants we see the emergence of a revolutionary socialist movement.

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