

Sunday, June 30, 2019

How to Build A Sane World

Many people think that socialism means government ownership. They have been taught this through the schools, the media and other agencies of capitalism. This lie about socialism has been spread because it keeps people from finding out what socialism really is. Furthermore, socialism has never existed anywhere, in any country, at any time. There has never been socialism in Sweden, in the former Soviet Union, in Cuba, in China, Venezuela or in any other country that claims to be socialist.

Socialism is a new social system in which the people own in common and democratically control the industries and social services of society. With socialism, the workers would operate and manage the industries themselves. In each factory and plant, they would elect their own administrative committees. In addition, the present political government run by politicians would be replaced by and community assemblies and neighbourhood councils. Today, we have formal constitutional democracy only. People do not have genuine economic democracy. The employer has almost absolute power over his employees. He can fire whomever he wishes, whenever he wishes. He can close his plant down and move to another state. In fact, he can manufacture something worthless or even harmful. In short, he has all the power of a dictator. Inside socialism we would have industrial democracy, which is truly meaningful.

When we use the word "worker," we mean anyone who sells his or her labour power, or ability to work, at so much per hour, or so much per week, per month or an annual salary to a capitalist employer. Under capitalism workers receive only a small fraction of the wealth that they alone produce, while the lion's share goes to the capitalist owners and to the bankers, landlords, insurance companies, lawyers, politicians and all the other parasites who live off the back of labour and perform no useful work. In a socialist society, there will be no wage system. And since the people will collectively own the industries, anyone will be free to select any occupation in which he has an interest and aptitude. No longer will workers live under the fear of being laid off, or be compelled to spend their lives at some job they hate or are unsuited for. Also since the people will collectively own the colleges and universities, no longer will workers be denied education or training because they lack the money to buy it.

Socialism we will produce for use and to satisfy the needs of all the people. Under capitalism, the industries operate for one purpose-to earn a profit for their owners. Under this system, food is not grown primarily to be eaten. It is grown to be sold. Cars are not manufactured primarily to be driven. They are made to be sold. If there are enough buyers here and abroad, then the capitalists will have their factories turn out cars and everything else for which buyers can be found. But if people lack money, if the domestic and foreign markets cannot absorb them, then these factories shut down, and the country stagnates, no matter how much people need these commodities. At the present time, farmers know that they can produce more than market conditions and price-protecting government restrictions, compensated for by cash subsidies, permit them to. Meanwhile, millions suffer from malnutrition and hunger. In socialism, the factories and industries would be used to benefit all of us, not restricted to the creation of profits for the enrichment of a small group of capitalist owners. Inside socialism, farmland would yield an abundance without great toil; the factories, mines and mills would be the safest, the most modern, the most efficient possible, and productive beyond our wildest dreams - and without labourious work. Our natural resources would be intelligently conserved, our schools would have the finest facilities, and they would be devoted to developing complete human beings, not wage-slaves who are trained to hire themselves out for someone else's profit. Our hospitals and social services will create and maintain the finest health and recreational facilities.

In all previous ages of human history, poverty for most of the people was inescapable. There was simply not enough to go around. But not so today. Automated technology and our scientific knowledge have so vastly increased man's ability to produce what he needs and wants, that there is no longer any excuse whatsoever for the poverty of a single member of society. Today, we have the material possibility of abundance for everyone, and the promise of the leisure in which to enjoy it. But under capitalism, automation and computers are used to replace workers and increase profits. Instead of creating a society of abundance, capitalism uses new technology to create unemployment and poverty. Our cities are being converted largely into festering slums in which impoverished people, not understanding the cause of their miseries, engage in crime and violence to release their frustrations, hopelessness and anger. But it is not automation that threatens us at all. Improved machinery is not an evil. It is a blessing. It is under capitalism that automation is used for anti-social purposes. When manufacturing and distribution belong to all of society, then everyone in that society will benefit. New technology would no longer pot workers out of jobs. Instead, socialism, it would reduce hours and working days. Automation would be used to produce an abundance for all. 

The Socialist Party does not advocate violence. It seeks changes through lawful and constitutional means. When the time comes that the majority of the people want to change from capitalism to socialism, they can make this move through peaceful and lawful means. That is why the Socialist Party has candidates in general and local elections. But if socialist candidates should be elected to office, they would have only one task – to teach workers how to abolish capitalism and the State. Workers all over the world would take possession of the factories and industries where they work. The bus drivers and truckers would take possession of the transportation systems. The mechanics and auto workers would take possession of the auto plants. The printers, reporters, and all other would take possession of their newspapers. The nurses and doctors would take control of the administration of hospitals. The teachers would take over the schools and universities. Then these industries and services would be declared the common property of society and would be operated democratically in the interest of all. 

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