

Thursday, June 13, 2019

We Want An End To The Robbery By The Capitalists

Capitalism has become an obsolete oppressive system that ought to be got rid off. A very small minority at present recognise this and are consciously anti-capitalist, but the majority of people continue trying to find solutions within the system rather than by overthrowing it. So presently there is no real possibility of overthrowing that system and attempt to do so would degenerate into futile reformism and/or terrorism, whatever the “revolutionary” rhetoric. The Left devote themselves to advancing slogans like “Make the Rich Pay” that imply no intention to abolish capitalism. The Left is hardly capable of challenging the ruling class for power, let alone winning that challenge. The confusion of the Left is so great the likelihood of those existing “left” movements and ideologies will disintegrate completely means there will be room for something new and genuinely revolutionary to emerge to open the way for revolutionary socialists to fight for progress rather than reacting against capitalism.

It has been said often enough that there can be no blueprints for the future because the people themselves will decide how to build the new society as they are building it. Fundamentally the Socialist Party agree with that, and refrains from attempting to present any blueprints. Nevertheless, it is appropriate to put forward a few broad ideas to discuss what a revolutionary movement might do to start building socialism. Consistent refusal to do so suggests that we do not possess an alternative. “No blueprints” is often a cop-out excuse for “no ideas”. Revolution” does not mean that we would “demand” that the multinationals do this or that. It means that we, the working class take over the running of industry and make the decisions ourselves. To eliminate many of the social problems we must to proceed with abolishing the market economy.

What is the meaning of workers’ control of production? First, it means the taking over not of a single industry, but of every plant of every branch of every industry, by democratically elected committees. It means the wresting of the means of production, which are the livelihood of the vast majority of the population, from the absentee owners. Workers’ control of production is replacing economic dictatorship with economic democracy, transferring social wealth to the producers of that wealth, the workers. Those who work on the production lines , who, together with their families and dependents, constitute the majority of the country, those who produce the wealth of the country but who are denied a say in the disposition of that wealth, those who are deprived of the fruits of their labour – they should run things. This would eventually eliminate all classes.

The Socialist Party is not a reform party, but a revolutionary party. It does not propose to modify the competitive system, but to abolish it. An examination of its principles shows that it stands unequivocally for the common ownership and control of all the means of wealth production and distribution — in a word, socialism. The Socialist Party is necessarily an world party linked together in the indissoluble bonds of international socialism. The battle cry of Marx is heard around the world: “Workingmen of all countries, unite; you have a world to gain! You have nothing to lose but your chains!” It is as wide as the domain of capitalism. It is everywhere and always the same. It takes no backward step. It refuses to be flattered, bribed, or otherwise deflected from the course mapped out by Marx and Engels.

 The Socialist Party has no interest in any of the so-called issues over which capitalist politicians fight sham battles. They care nothing about protectionism and free trade, Brexit or whatever. It stands first, last, and always for the common ownership of all the means of production and distribution, and will press forward unceasingly until they secure them, thereby liberating the human race. We call upon all who share the sentiments, to join the Socialist Party in the fight for a new, socialist society.

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