

Monday, August 05, 2019

A Reflection On Capitalism. It Isn't Great Anywhere.

 On July 15 the Toronto Star ran an ad which read: ''Is Now The Time To Renounce Your US Citizenship?-Make the right decision for you and your family.'' It went on to say there was a seminar at the Royal York Hotel in downtown Toronto on July 27, which would provide American citizens living in Canada, with information needed to renounce it. 

Though we hear a lot about people trying to get into the US, nevertheless there are plenty wanting to get out. Is this a reflection on the US itself ?, or is it a reflection on capitalism, bearing in mind the US is the greatest manufacturing power in the world and the most prosperous? At least it suggests that life under capitalism isn't great anywhere.

Yours for Socialism, 
SPC contributing members . . .

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