

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

A Sad Sorry Reflection.

On June 26 a group of academics and labour activists called on the Canadian Labour Congress to publicly oppose an arms deal between Canada and Saudi Arabia. They called the CLC's silence on the matter, ''deafening.'' 

They fear that Canadian weapons sold to Saudi Arabia are being used in their war in Yemen, where an estimated 70,000 people have been killed in the last three years. They want the CLC to demand the government cancel the deal. 

Last year Canada exported $284 million in weapons and military goods to countries that were bombing Yemen. Of that $204.4 million went to Saudi Arabia. Why then is the CLC silent? 

A clue could be found in London, Ontario at the General Dynamics Land Systems, which manufacture light armoured vehicles destined for Saudi Arabia. The workers at the plant belong to the CAW's successor union, Unifor. The company has warned that if the government cancels the deal it could jeopardize more than 1,800 jobs.

 What a sad, sorry reflection it is that workers in one country have to make products to kill workers in another country, if they want to survive.

Yours for Socialism, 
SPC contributing members 

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