

Sunday, September 08, 2019

A Typical Political Way of Just Lying.

A budget passed by Alberta's provincial government has resulted in cuts to homeless programs in several cities. On August 14, the Calgary Star reported the Calgary Homeless Foundation would see its funding cut by 8 per cent - a 3.2 million reduction.  Homewood Trust Edmonton, that works to end homelessness there, will see its funding cut by $1.4 million, which is 5 per cent of the amount it gets from the province. 

Alberta's Community and Social Services Minister, Rajan Sawney, said: ''Our government is committed to protecting vulnerable Albertans, while getting the province’s finances back on track,'' which is a typical political way of just lying. 

The plain fact is, for the working class in Alberta, and elsewhere, life ain't getting any easier. Yes folks, Andrew Ure’s infamous Utilitarian words shine brightly in 21st century Canada: Work the idle, and grind the poor!  

Yours for Socialism, 
SPC contributing members

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