

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The General Election

So it looks like 12th December is going to be agreed as the date of the General Election. As is our usual policy, we are standing only token candidates in this general election to ensure that the voice of socialism is not entirely lost. It is unfortunate that the Socialist Party is unable to contest any constituencies in Scotland. But, that does not mean our voice will not be heard.

We don’t believe any politician can solve capitalism's problems, as long as the flawed basis of our society remains intact. In fact, we believe only you and your fellow workers can solve these problems. We believe that it will take a revolution in how we organise our lives, a fundamental change. We want to see a society based on the fact that you know how to run your lives, know your needs and have the skills and capacity to organise with your fellows to satisfy them. With democratic control of production we can ensure that looking after our communities and our environment becomes a priority. Together, we have the ability to run our world for ourselves. We need to build a mass socialist movement to effect that change. Our candidate makes no promises except only to be the means by which you can re-make society.

The Socialist Party is standing alone as a party which aims at the capture of political power by the working class, to abolish capitalism and replace it with a society based on common ownership of wealth production and distribution and making that wealth freely available to everyone. That is socialism – the only alternative to capitalism and its political parties. If you agree with this aim, then this is the most important general election ever for you.

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