

Thursday, November 14, 2019

What the Socialist Party wants

The Socialist Party intends to replace the present capitalist system by socialism, understood broadly as a system where there will be common ownership of the means of production and distribution. We envisage socialism as a society where material wealth will be in the hands of those who produce it, where the exploitation of man by man will be ended, where production will be used not for private profit, where a new relationship of fraternity will develop between peoples based on equality and independence, where individual men and women will find totally new possibilities to develop their skills and talents. We see both the need and the possibility to win the overwhelming majority of the population for the fight against capitalism and for socialism.

As we head towards another general election we are faced with the decision whether or not to cast a vote. Most people in Britain are fairly strongly attached to the idea that it is some sort of public duty to turn out and support one or another party even if they are not very enthusiastic about any of the promises on offer. Socialism is achieved by the growth of ideas, never by obtaining a fictitious vote. We should seek only to register the actual vote of socialism, no more and no less. In our election campaign we state our principles clearly, speak the truth honestly, seeking neither to flatter nor to offend, but only to convince those who should be with us and win them to our cause through an understanding of the socialist case.

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