

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Homeless in Scotland

A child has been made homeless every 37 minutes in Scotland over the past year, according to the charity Shelter.

Its research found 14,043 children were made homeless in 2018-19 in Scotland.

During that year, 8,304 families with dependant children were made homeless, the equivalent of 23 a day.
Shelter's Generation Homeless report also found 6,795 children were in temporary accommodation as of March 31 this year, meaning one in every 160 children in Scotland was without a home.

It said the number in temporary accommodation has risen from 4,155 in the same period in 2014, a jump of 64%.
Shelter Scotland deputy director Alison Watson, said: "Children being homeless in 21st century Scotland is a badge of shame in itself but a 64% increase over the last four years up to 6,795 being homeless is completely unacceptable.
"It's time that promises were made and kept to the children of Scotland - that we will do everything possible to prevent homelessness and build enough social homes to make sure every child has a home not just for Christmas, but permanently."

The UK figures show a total of 66,836 children became homeless in the last year, one every eight minutes, with 39,548 families being forced to leave their homes. A further 134,429 children were in temporary accommodation on March 31, a 51% jump from the same time in 2014.

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