

Saturday, December 07, 2019

Skip A Meal And Pay A Bill?

Food bank use in the Toronto region is growing as more people struggle with low incomes and the rising cost of living, the Daily Bread Food Bank says. 

In the year ending March 2019, food bank visits topped one million in Toronto and Mississauga, according to the Who's Hungry report released by the provincial government on November 4. Food bank users are spending an average of six per cent more on rent since last year, while the average food costs in the Toronto area have increased by almost eight per cent, the report says. 

Almost all survey respondents reported incomes below Canada's official poverty line which in Toronto is defined as $41,362 for a family of two adults and two children. About 53 per cent have skipped a meal to pay a bill and 25 per cent of parents say their children frequently go hungry. 

Yet still they tell us capitalism is the best of all possible systems.

 Canadian Comrades.

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